Ten Rules For A Hassle-Free Cashflow Mortgage Note

Ten Rules For A Hassle-Free Cashflow Mortgage Note

(1) lender friendly state like Texas

(2) 1st position Deed of Trust (not mortgage)

(3) SFR with a min property value of $75K

(4) Less than 75% loan to value

(5) mortgage payments lower than equivalent rent

(6) Borrower debt to income ratio < 45%

(7) lender title insurance paid for by borrower

(8) professional servicing paid for by borrower

(9) professionally underwritten with due diligence available to investor

(10) fully amortized no more than 15 years for houses over 40 years old /  20-30 year amortization OK for newer houses

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mortgage note to stock comparison chart

Published by

David Campbell

David Campbell Real Estate Investor / Developer / Author C: 707-373-9966 www.HassleFreeCashFlowInvesting.com Skype: HassleFreeInvesting http://twitter.com/InvestingMentor www.facebook.com/cashflowinvesting http://www.hasslefreecashflowinvesting.com/team/david-campbell/#

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