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Get Rich Education: Creating Cashflow with Lending

Get Rich Education: Creating Cashflow with Lending

CLICK HERE  to listen to the latest recording “Creating Cashflow with Lending” with professional investor David Campbell and  Keith Weinhold host of the Get Rich Education podcast.  Learn how to create cashflow as a private lender.

07:05 Why now is a good time to move chips from the equity side to the debt side.
10:48 Mortgage Note Investing is also similar to terms like “Hard Money Lending,” or “Private Lending.” Also, discussion of Mortgage vs. Deed Of Trust.
15:45 Buy notes where the borrower has 20-25%+ equity in the property.
23:02 Mortgage Notes provide higher cash flows, less risk, more liquidity, lower transaction costs compared to owning real property.
26:47 Example on a $75,000 mortgage.
34:50 Use your IRA or HELOC to create arbitrage.
36:38 Knowing good from bad, and avoiding fraud.
43:14 Turn your equity into cash flow.

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