REAL ESTATE GUYS RADIO: Market Spotlight: Creating Cash Flow in Dallas, Texas

Real Estate Guys Radio Featuring Special Guest

Professional Investor – David Campbell


Market Spotlight: Creating Cash Flow in Dallas, Texas  


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TEAM of Experts and Guests

o  Host, Robert Helms

o Co-Host and Financial Strategist, Russell Gray

o The “Godfather” of Real Estate Bob Helms

o Professional Real Estate Investor, Developer and Broker David Campbell

o Texas Developer & Attorney Hal Thorne


On this week’s Real Estate Guys Radio Show we’ll discuss:

o Understanding the Sustainable Drivers in Dallas

o Why Dallas has “Generations of Jobs”

o The Economic Engines that Drive the Market

o Doing the Math: A Cash Flow Case Study o Finding the Sub-Markets That Make Sense


Join the Real Estate Guys Radio and special guest David Campbell in learning about the red hot Dallas market.

Part of our series of articles on investing in Dallas

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