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Renee Daggett – Bookkeeping

Renee Daggett


Renee Daggett

President of Administrative Bookkeeping Co., Inc. She received a bachelor’s degree from San Jose State University in 1989 and is an Enrolled Agent tax preparer (enrolled to represent tax payers before the IRS). Renee is also the author of “Your Financial Flight Plan: Pilot Your Business To Profitability.” In her book, she demonstrates in a creative way the reasons why every business owner needs to be a better manager of his/her business.

Renee Daggett
Administrative Bookkeeping Co., Inc.
Phone: (408) 782-9640
Fax: (888) 459-1117

Renee DaggettRenee Daggett

yourfinancialflightplan.comManaging Your Properties with Quickbooks