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Group Investments

passive investing with hassle-free cashflow investments

Looking for passive income?  You can accomplish this through “Hassle-Free Group Investments”.



Group Investments are perfect for:

1) Busy people

2) Self-directed IRA funds

3) Hands off investors

4) Investors who want to do bigger deals and earn while they learn

5) Investors who want the financial advantages of financing, but don’t want to sign a mortgage

6) Investors who want to leverage the time and talents of a professional investment team

7) Investors who want to create product type diversity in their portfolio

8) Investors who want to own a small piece of a big property

9) Investors who want long term capital gains (typically 1-2 years) as well as monthly cash flow

We always have exciting group investment projects on the horizon for both accredited and non-accredited investors. To learn about upcoming group investment opportunities sign up for our newsletter on the right or send an email to

Minimum capital required to participate in a group investment is typically $30,000.

A solicitation to invest capital in a group investment may only be made by the private placement memorandum. Not all investors will be qualified to participate in group investments (private placement investments).

 Here’s great educational video: Are Passive Real Estate Investments Right for You?